Carbon monoxide’s role in seaplane crash wasn’t considered until years later, inquest said
Curran said the gas could have gone through a hole in the bolt that escaped. The inquest is also expected to hear evidence that part of the instrument panel was upside down and could leak more gas.
Carbon monoxide was investigated as a potential cause of the crash two years later, in late 2019, when aviation medical experts examined a draft report and asked investigators to focus on carbon monoxide poisoning. It was only when I suggested it.
Callan said police and the ATSB appeared to have mistakenly assumed that carbon monoxide’s chemical by-products were routinely tested in standard toxicology tests. Examination of blood samples taken at autopsies revealed that all passengers had a chemical called carboxyhemoglobin in their bodies.
Morgan’s blood level is 11%, and experts are expected to show evidence that a level of 10% is sufficient to cause adverse physical and cognitive effects.
Callan said one question in the inquest is whether carboxyhemoglobin should become a standard part of toxicology screening for certain types of deceased.
She said the delay in focusing on carbon monoxide was due to the two-and-a-half years that elapsed between the crash and authorities being able to issue a bulletin reminding plane operators of the dangers of the gas. said to mean.
At the inquest, Morgan, 44, was told that he was a highly experienced pilot, a devout Christian, and a talented athlete who had served missions to Mexico and Mozambique.
Richard Cousins, 58, was the CEO of catering company Compass and was remembered as a cricket enthusiast. He had just attended his test day in boxing with his sons William, 25, and Edward, 23.
William, a press secretary and parliamentary speechwriter, was recently honored for persuading a suicidal person on the Thames. A former refugee camp teacher, Edward had just passed the entrance exam to become a police officer.
Emma, 48, who worked at OK Magazine, loved traveling, movies, theater and cycling. At the age of 11, Heather started a school newspaper and appeared in plays. She had big dreams of one day studying at Cambridge.
The hearing continues.
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Carbon monoxide’s role in seaplane crash wasn’t considered until years later, inquest said
Source link Carbon monoxide’s role in seaplane crash wasn’t considered until years later, inquest said