
Harvey McGlinn: Newborn suffocates in cloth sling

A coroner in New South Wales found that the three-week-old boy had likely suffocated to death after being pressed into a cloth sling worn by his mother.

Harvey McGlynn was found pale and motionless when his mother unwrapped his sling at a Central Coast community health center in 2019.

Center staff frantically performed CPR but were unable to resuscitate Harvey.

“Evidence establishes that the position of Harvey’s neck with his chin on his chest compromised his airway,” the coroner said in a finding filed Thursday.

The newborn was the third son of Tatika Dunne and her fiancé Bill McGlynn.

A month after his son’s death, Dunn said in a Facebook post, “I still feel so raw and broken.

She declined to be involved in the hearing. There is no indication of breach of duty of care.

“Herbie’s relatively light weight may have resulted in poor muscle and head control, making it difficult to maintain a patent airway from the way Herbie was placed in the sling,” the coroner said. said.

Medical center staff and product manufacturers were not held responsible for the deaths.

The product included a choking warning and instructions that the baby should be held upright with the chin off the parent’s chest.

Witnesses told the coroner that Harvey’s entire body was in a loose sling.

According to the coroner’s report, one of the nurses, RN (Registered Nurse) Kovacs, said Dunn was “walking briskly … wearing a blue sling-like carrier around her.” ‘I saw you arrive. Sling ”.

She described the sling as “lowdown” and was positioned horizontally, below the level of Mr. Dunn’s navel.

“If I had known, or believed, that there was a baby in a sling at the time, I would have thought there was an element of risk in the way the baby was carried,” she said.

A second nurse, RN Percy, saw Dunn arrive at the center’s reception at 9:01 a.m. and said, “I didn’t realize Tatika was wearing a sling, so I thought I’d do something instead.” I thought he had a bag around his neck,” he said.

NSW Health has since changed its advice on the risks of baby slings, the coroner said.

NSW Health Commissioner for Maternity, Children and Families Deborah Masa told the inquest that banning slings may be the only way to eliminate the risk.

However, she noted that this would be difficult to do as it was customary in some cultures and some people with disabilities depended on it as a necessity.

A new acronym, TICKS, was devised to help parents avoid the same devastating loss.

Tight, in view, closed, chin off chest, stands for support.

Make sure the baby is held firmly and high, is always in front of you, is close enough to kiss, has a chin away from the chest and never curls up, and has a firm back. Advise parents to make sure they are supported and supported. and in a natural position.

April 8, 2019: Every parent’s nightmare

April 8, 2019

5:15 am Harvey’s father, Bill McGlynn, goes to work.

8:20 am Gillian, a friend of Tatika’s, remembers her twin sons Seth and Bailey, 4, when her mother Tatika took Harvey to the health care center for the last few days of restless sleep, regurgitation and vomiting. made it possible for me to go

8:40 am Tatika arrived at a bakery in Killarney Vale, where she said Harvey was kicking and making noises with baby wraps.

CCTV shows Tattika stroking his buttocks.

8:52 am Tatika walks 650 meters to the Long Jetty Healthcare Center to see Harvey.

9:01 am They arrive at the reception and are seated. Witnesses report seeing Harvey lying across Tachika’s stomach in a sling.

9:05 am The nurse calls Harvey’s name, but Tatika does not respond at first, thinking her name will be called.

Harvey’s name is called again, and this time Tachika answers. When the nurse asks where the pram is, the pram points to the sling and replies, “Here I put it.”

Tattika talks to the nurse in the office for 15-20 minutes.

9:25 am The nurse asks to see Harvey and Tatika removes him from the sling. Soon, the nurse notices that his skin is blue-gray and his body is motionless. She shouts to the medical staff that it is an emergency and begins CPR.

9:29 am Triple Zero is called and Tachika passes out from agony.

9:36 am Paramedics arrive and continue trying to resuscitate Harvey.

9:59 amA CareFlight helicopter arrives with a paramedic on board.

10:12 am Baby Harvey was pronounced dead when he was just three weeks old.

Harvey McGlinn: Newborn suffocates in cloth sling

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