
Kevin Spacey says claims he passed acting career ‘not true’ | New York

Kevin Spacey made a sexual pass in New York court Monday to actor Anthony Rapp, who claims he tried to take him to bed when he was 14. He testified that he had never done

The actor, who calls himself Kevin Spacey Fowler, said the then-26-year-old Spacey picked him up like a groom would a bride after a party in 1986 and put him on the bed before laying on him. Asked about Rapp’s claim that

Rupp testified early in the trial that he had squirmed before fleeing his apartment, only to have Spacey follow him to the door and ask if he really wanted to leave.

“They are not true,” Spacey said of the allegations.

Spacey said he met Rapp and another aspiring actor, John Barrowman, backstage after Spacey’s Broadway performance in The Long Day’s Journey Into Night. and took him to a nightclub and eventually to his studio apartment, where he flirted with Barrowman, who was 19 at the time, but showed no interest in rapping before the two visitors left. rice field.

“Anthony Rapp looked like a kid and John Barrowman looked like a man,” Spacey said in an account backed up by Barrowman’s deposition.

Rupp testifies that he and Barrowman returned home shortly after going out to a nightclub, and that Spacey did not invite him to his apartment for the first time until a few days later. After waiting for him to leave, I told him I had taken action.

Spacey also explained his disappointment with the 2017 news reports in which the rap was published.

At the time, with the #MeToo movement gaining momentum, “the industry was very tense. He added: I was scared and confused. …I knew I had never been alone with Anthony Rapp. “

He also told jurors that he “never had a sexual interest in Anthony Rapp or his children.” What I knew.”

Spacey, patting his eyes, explained that he doesn’t remember anything that happened to Rupp, but that he was pressured to make a statement, saying he was sorry “if” if it was true. said it was the best way to contain the “worsening crisis” and avoid being accused of “victim shaming.” I regret the entire remark of

Spacey was asked if he kept secret about his personal life during his career.

“I grew up in a very complicated family dynamic,” he said, explaining that his father’s rants when he was young led him to dislike bigotry and intolerance.

“My father was a white supremacist and a neo-Nazi,” Spacey said. did.”

Spacey called it “humiliating and terrifying when friends come over to the house.”

“Everything that happened in that house was something I had to keep in mind. We never talked about it. We never talked about these things publicly.” He said.

When Spacey became interested in theater, he said he endured his father’s screams, “who yelled at me that I might be gay.”

Spacey’s testimony began two hours after Rupp’s attorneys finished presenting evidence and Judge Louis A. Kaplan dismissed the allegations of willful emotional distress. Kaplan said elements of this allegation overlapped with his Rapp allegation that Rapp was a victim of assault and assault.

Spacey’s attorneys argued for the dismissal of the lawsuit on the grounds that Rapp’s attorneys had failed to prove his claims.

Kaplan said the trial could go ahead with the assault and battery claims alleged by Star Trek: Discovery’s 50-year-old regular Rupp. He was part of the original Broadway cast of Rent.

Spacey, 63, was an Oscar-winning actor who rose to fame in the Netflix series House of Cards when his career was suddenly derailed in 2017 by claims of Rapp and others.

Rupp was in Precious Sands on Broadway when he met Spacey in 1986.
Rupp testified in the days before the trial, which entered its third week on Monday.

Kevin Spacey says claims he passed acting career ‘not true’ | New York

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