
Media praises NSW ‘gold standard’ response to Victoria floods

Nationwide news outlets say Sydney’s absence of Victorian flooding shows that New South Wales is coping better with rainfall in the southern states.

One newspaper, calling for a “gold standard” in Victorian flood response, said Victoria could learn a thing or two from its neighbors to the north. “Traveling through Sydney today, it’s hard to find any traces of Victorian-era flooding. When rainfall started hitting Shepperton late last week, it shows NSW had plans to respond quickly. .”

Another news website interviewed people on the streets of Sydney and Newcastle and most said their lives had already returned to normal since the floods hit Victoria on Thursday. “People here go about their lives as if nothing had happened. They weren’t disrupted by the Victorian Floods the same way people were in Victoria.” The man was totally unaware there was a flood, and that’s the benefit of good planning,” the report read.

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Media praises NSW ‘gold standard’ response to Victoria floods

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