
Missing Parisian girl, 12-year-old, found dead in suitcase with numbers ‘arranged’

A 12-year-old girl was found stuffed in a suitcase in Paris with her throat slit. Authorities said they found a strange, chilling clue that her body was “marked” with the numbers 1 and 0.

According to Fox News and The Independent, the French child’s hands and feet were tied with tape, and he appeared to have suffocated to death.

At least four people have since been detained for questioning, but no arrests have been announced.

The girl’s parents notified police that their daughter did not return home after school in the French capital on Friday, the outlet said.

The girl’s father, a building caretaker, told police he saw his daughter with a woman in her 20s in video footage from the building.

Police later found evidence of the kidnapping in the basement of the building.

At around 11:30 pm on Friday, the police were called to say that a suspicious suitcase had been found on Dhopur Road, a few streets away from the family’s home.

Police said the bodies of the murdered children were “marked” with the numbers “1” and “0” by a “device”.

This article was originally published by new york post Reprinted with permission

first published as Missing Parisian girl, 12-year-old, found dead in suitcase with numbers ‘arranged’: report

Missing Parisian girl, 12-year-old, found dead in suitcase with numbers ‘arranged’

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