
New cybersecurity initiative launched to keep small businesses “protected”

Alexi Boyd, CEO of the Council of Small Business Organizations Australia, says a new initiative to improve cybersecurity will help Australia’s small businesses “protect” from scammers.

The Cyber ​​Wardens initiative, launched by Commonwealth Bank, COSBOA and Telstra, aims to strengthen the cyber defenses of small businesses and prevent billions of dollars from being lost to fraudsters.

“It’s about understanding where the data is, how it can be protected, what the data needs to do is not particularly technical,” says Boyd Sky News Australia.

“You don’t have to have a medical degree to provide CPR, and you don’t have to be an IT expert to have basic cybersecurity skills.”

New cybersecurity initiative launched to keep small businesses “protected”

Source link New cybersecurity initiative launched to keep small businesses “protected”

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