
Parents must have the right to object to indoctrination

King Charles $5credit:artist

For the $5 bill, why not create a montage of three or four faces linked by a common theme, combined with different themes created in the same manner as the design variations on the $2 coin? There may even be a theme for our foreign king (not that I want that). Matthew Boylan, Reichhardt

We don’t see any issues like Eddie Mabo or Vincent Lingiari that deserve our notes. With Prince Charles showing willingness to move with his times, now is the perfect time for a change. This might be a problem for monarchists, but it has been proven time and time again that the Queen is attuned to the aspirations of her people, which is why she is so popular. I can’t get my head around it. Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill

Why aren’t Norman Gunston and Roy Rene on the $5 bill? Pasquale Vartuli, Wahrunga

The image of Thylacin would be more appropriate. It’s a fitting and enduring reminder of what our obsession with making money has done to the natural world. Adrian Connelly, Springwood

of the five proposals by Herald Only two authors meet the criteria that the person portrayed must have been dead for at least 30 years before being considered. The committee invites artists and designers to submit their ideas. The public has little say in who appears. Phil Desborough, Warrawong

suburban ghetto under development

Developers should not be allowed to sell even one lot with schools, hospitals and transportation all in the pipeline without an approved urban plan (design, environment, services) (“No schools, no services, but more and more homes”, October 15). No trees, black everywhere, narrow roads, no community or park space. How about public pools, tennis courts and skate parks? keep dreaming. These estates look like ghettos under development. There are good examples to follow. For example, Kellyville. What’s the point of government other than doing this and doing it well for these communities and Australian society? Victoria Hawthorne, Balmain

An excellent article on housing in northwest Sydney reveals the state government’s incompetence on many levels. Not only are low-income families forced to live miles away from institutions and employment (although they could afford to pay for private schools if they could afford it), but they are also within inches of their homes. It was allowed to build a house with a black roof at a distance of 100 m and without space. Trees are a disgrace. Alan Morris, East Lakes

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credit:Rhett Wyman

The rapidly unfolding socio-economic catastrophe around Sydney’s suburbs has been foreseeable for decades. I believe that shopping centers, roads, schools, and recreational open spaces are still the only things that are commonly considered essential planning infrastructure. Politicians’ radar conveniently overlooks the need for police, ambulances, fire departments, public health centers, remedial facilities, public transit, SES depots, and essential worker accommodation. why? Because of their innate charm and unwelcome extra costs. John Williams, Balmain

Jordan Baker’s story sums up in one venomous phrase what’s wrong with Sydney’s tremendous overdevelopment. The Perrottet government must be waking up to the fact that Ponzi’s extreme obsession with population density, brutal vehicle over developer potential, heritage, environment, and livability will inevitably get kicked out of the government. There are lessons for workers too. If people feel respected and unconsulted, they turn to independents. Alison Stewart, Riverview

Cut to submarine chase

Rather than wait decades for an Australian nuclear submarine fleet (“Is Australia ready for electric cars?October 15), perhaps it is time for us to pursue the technologies that are changing, many of which will be part of tomorrow’s submarine fleet and its
road vehicle. Perth Butterworth, Annandale

How many warnings?

In the face of devastating floods, your comment “a lot of what we do is passive” is true (“Extreme weather continues and we need to adapt”, October 15). Scientists have been warning about climate change for decades. Reports such as State of the Environment have been released, and the government has commented on how “shocking” it is, but there has been no substantive change. According to the Emergency Leader for Climate Action, not one of his 10 major recommendations from the 2020 Royal Commission on Wildfires has been implemented. Fossil fuel projects continue to be approved and primary forests continue to be cleared. It is imperative to proactively adapt to and mitigate climate change before it is too late. Amy Hiller, Cue (Vic)

creeping land tax

People seem to have overlooked the point of the new land tax arrangement (letter, October 15). Of course, getting rid of the inefficient taxes that distort the real estate market is a good idea. But the real point is to make us pay more. need a growing income stream. GST alone cannot meet your bill. So if anyone thinks they can have their own cake and eat it, I sell the Anzac bridge. John Christie, Autry

unleash the power of citizens

Peter Hercher (“For public gatherings‘, 15 October) has generated a strong argument in favor of public rallies as a way to deal with difficult political issues. He believes that well-run public meetings can increase public understanding of issues and increase public confidence in eventual government action, and he believes that Ireland has used this method to ensure that the minimum It says it has legalized abortion in a rage of extreme anger. The federal government can afford to run an “experiment” that shows Anthony Albanese comfortably leading over Peter Dutton in polls. As an American columnist once said, elections are won largely because most people vote for someone, not someone else. James Moore, Kogarah

A public rally on how to restructure Sydney’s local government? I’d love to see that. Ann Wagstaff, Autry

fun young death

In 1983, as principal, I interviewed several young graduates for teaching positions. I chose a young man who will be an important staff member. He was a local sportsman and had coached his team in the school’s rugby league. He was generous with his time, often ready to do extra work. Who was this young man? Death Hustler. Michael Egan, Killarney Heights

endangered species

What is a “working-class man” (“Chancellor rock star receives party loyal welcome”,, 15 October)? The phrase probably originated in the Industrial Revolution. It alludes to excluding engineers, scientists, doctors, lawyers, businessmen, and many other noble workers who never “work.” It’s time to put this archaic group to rest. Tim Wynn Jones, Homebush

JobSeeker is $17,640 a year, while Albo isn’t exactly a working-class man if he approves to give a $9,035 tax break to people earning $200,000. I don’t think tax cuts will motivate us. Only get richer. John Rome, Mount Raleigh (WA)

number of floors

Dominique Perrotet next steps to protect the beautiful lines of the Anzac Bridge (letter, October 15) will lower the proposed building on the east side of Blackwattle Bay once the fish market is completed. The plans he has are three 42-story buildings, the height of the Anzac Bridge, according to planners. The aesthetic becomes the towering spire of the bridge flanking the walls of the building. Mark Teechen, Redfern

digital view
Online comments from one of the stories that garnered the most reader feedback yesterday
Australians want fuel excise tax to be abolished if new road charges are introduced for electric cars
from try again!: “The federal government has been looking at this for 15 years. You have to pay, and the more cars use the road, the more you have to pay, but for all the benefits that electric cars bring, slow down electric cars will not.”

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Parents must have the right to object to indoctrination

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