
Target Time and Super Quiz, Sunday, October 16th

Ellen Fitzgerald and Lynn McCallum

target time

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Search for words of 4 or more letters. All words must contain the central letter, and each letter is used only once for him. Find at least one 9 letter word. Do not use colloquial or borrowed words, capitalized nouns, apostrophes or hyphens. Verbs ending in ‘s’ and plural forms are not allowed. The list of solutions is not exhaustive.

Source: Macquarie Dictionary.

Today’s target: 12 words average. 18 words, nice. 24+ words, great.

Last Sunday’s targets: match, BUMPTIOUS, bust, impost, mist, moist, most, mast, orbit, omit, ost, posit, post, pout, smut, spit, spot, spout, phlegm, stomp, stop, stub, stub, Stamp, subto, submit, suit, tomb, topi, upmost.

Target Time and Super Quiz, Sunday, October 16th

Source link Target Time and Super Quiz, Sunday, October 16th

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